Nutrition Icon

“Eat right to keep your body at peak performance…”

Explanation & Practice

Dr. Rassoul provides his patients specific recommendations on nutritional supplementation and healthy food choices aimed at achieving the specific patient goals, which are discussed and established from the first consultation with the doctor. These patient-centric goals always serve as the foundation for the aims of the specific nutritional plan devised by Dr. Rassoul in helping patients achieve all of their nutrition goals as well as return to optimal health. Take control of your health and well-being today, come in for a consultation with Dr. Rassoul and learn how to gain the most from your foods and supplements via a structured dietary plan for your nutritional needs.

Nutrition will benefit patients with the following:

  1. Difficulty with weight loss and management
  2. Sluggishness which makes you reliant on caffeine and other stimulants to make it through the day
  3. Symptoms of chronic fatigue, ‘foggy’ brain function, and weakened immune systems

  • Weight Loss and Management
  • Chronic Constipation
  • Fatigue
  • Weaken Immunity
  • Poor Eating Habits
  • Inflammation
  • Indigestion
  • Trouble Sleeping


When it comes to quality nutrition and beauty products, QUALITY and BIOAVAILABILITY are so vitally important in the products we choose for ourselves and our families. With Arbonne, you can rest assure that you are getting a superior product for health and wellness. What makes Arbonne products superior? They are naturally inspired and scientifically proven! By integrating the most beneficial BOTANICAL ingredients from nature with the principles of green chemistry, Arbonne crafts products with expertise and innovation, all while taking responsible care of our precious earth. Never compromise your integrity, for we never compromise ours, in bringing you the best products on the planet! TRY ARBONNE TODAY – your body will thank you !

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The foods we eat can either promote health or deter it, but did you know that some foods, even so-called healthy ones, can be BAD for you? More so, they may be bad for JUST YOU, but good for others. At our office, we use a specific blood test to test for food inflammation, not merely allergies, to evaluate the foods that may be more harm than good for your digestive tract via the increase in inflammation they cause. The KBMO diagnostic test is a blood-specific test for food inflammation that looks at the way 132 different types of foods interact with your blood, specifically the C-reactive proteins, in order to deter the best and worst foods for YOU! Learn more about what makes this test the best at helping shape your diet specific to your body’s needs by visiting the following website:

Contact our office to make an appointment today to schedule your Food Inflammation Test today! Build a nutrition plan right for YOU with the help of Align Chiro Care and KBMO Diagnostics! Common Questions that are Addressed by Dr. Rassoul

What food help me lose weight?

What foods should I be avoiding?

What supplements should I be taking?

When do I take the supplements? Does it matter what time of day?

How much water should I be drinking?

How many meals should I eat in a day?

Should I eat before or after I exercise?

Am I gluten intolerant?

What diet should I be following? Vegan or Paleo? Or something else?

Should I avoid coffee? Soda?

I love sweets- how can I stop craving them?

How can I control my cravings?

Head Doctor

  • Dr. Sam Rassoul

    Dr. Sam Rassoul

        Experience & Commitment

    A person of radiant positivity, Dr. Sam Rassoul has always seeked to bring out the best in those around him…
