
“Cleansing and replenishing the body’s nutritional needs…”

Explanation & Practice

As seen in all of the latest nutritional crazes, detoxification programs aim to rid the body of unwanted toxins via a strict diet of juices, supplements, and other formulas. However, what is vastly lost in this commotion is the replenishing of good nutrients and proper nutrition to the organs once the toxins are removed. Let Dr. Rassoul and the Align ChiroCare team carefully walk you through a detox program specifically designed to help rid your body of unwanted toxins and replenishing it with the proper nutrients needed for improved health, weight loss, increased energy, and a list of other wonderful results from cleansing the body.

Detox will benefit patients with the following:

  1. Symptoms of chronic fatigue, ‘foggy’ brain function, and weakened immune systems
  2. Difficulty with weight loss and management
  3. Signs of indigestion and nutrient malabsorption

  • Weight Loss and Management
  • Chronic Constipation
  • Fatigue
  • Weaken Immunity
  • Indigestion
  • Toxin Build-Up
  • Inflammation
  • Trouble Sleeping

Useful info and health tips

A Start… Not a Finish

Detox programs should be utilized as a jump start to body cleansing & maintained through adapting a lifestyle change focused on proper health and nutrition immediately following the detoxification.

Don’t Overdo It

Detox programs should be performed no more than 2 times a year for MOST patients (rare exceptions are made under the care of a treating physician to assure proper arrangements and check-ups for progression are established).

Maintain a Healthy Diet

Detox programs are NOT intended to be substitutes for the adaptation of a proper health and diet plan revolving on proper digestion and absorption of essential nutrients from a well-balanced diet.

Speak with your Doctor

Please speak with your health care doctor (medical doctor, chiropractor, nutritionist, naturopathic doctor, etc.) prior to engaging in an detox program to rule out any contraindications for engaging in the detoxification program.

Understand the Side Effects

Read and understand as much as you can about possible symptoms and/or side effects from any detox program, as well as the products themselves. Talk with your doctor about any questions or concerns prior to, during, and after any detoxification program.

Never Compromise Quality

Never compromise quality of your detoxification products; aim for products with the least amount of synthetic or foreign constitutes, rather being made up of naturally safe ingredients.

Head Doctor

  • Dr. Sam Rassoul

    Dr. Sam Rassoul

        Experience & Commitment

    A person of radiant positivity, Dr. Sam Rassoul has always seeked to bring out the best in those around him…
